

Art in Hospital: Student Placement

The Art in Hospital organisation delivers an ongoing visual arts programme for patients in the healthcare areas of Medicine for Older People, Stroke Rehabilitation, Acute Rehabilitation, Palliative Care and Community and Mental Health across the NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde region of Scotland.

While undertaking a studet placement with them, I delivered workshops on creative photography to patients,and published a book of their work.

Project interview and documentation on the Art in Hospital Websitehere and on the Art in Hospital instagram.


Finding His Iris (in Mine): INDEX (pdf)

A physical companion to the 'Finding His Iris' online portal, which contains text relating to the project and experimental scans.

Art in Hospital: Scanography (pdf)

Pubication documenting patient's work from an Art in Hospital student placement which ran from December 2021- April 2022.

Digital Sketchbooks

Finding His Iris (in Mine)

Thinking about vision, etching and interference patterns.

Leak/Filter/Abstract Tear

Thinking about magnetic liquids, eyewash and tears.